Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Past Life Regression

I went for a preview talk about how Past Life actually bring impact to the present one, and how she (Dr. Selina) helped people to get over the problems they have by regressing their past life (or lives).

I am one who believe in reincarnation, thus I believe the connection between lives. But there is one thing I am not too sure and so I posted the question to Dr. Selina, "how do we distinguish between a real past life image from our imagination?"

I mean we all know about "cause and effect" or "karma" in other words, but now that we are a living creature with this particular brain that's stuck to the neck of this physical body that absorbs millions and millions of information everyday how can we really see which is real or projected image?

And so she replied politely with a smile, "you'll know when you are in there (the hypnotised state)".

No offense but the feeling is very much when you're asked to ask that Gypsy Woman who claims can see one's future by looking into the crystal ball (whereas this is looking into the past instead) - unless I pay that money.

I wasn't challenging the idea because like I said I do believe in past life. Besides I have one question that I thought I could use PLR to help - I have a multi-nodular goiter in my neck which I've done all the relevant tests but found nothing wrong. So a friend used SRT to ask if it is due to my past life and the answer is positive. Another friend told me his mom got the same goiter, removed by they grow back again. So I thought I could seek PLR's help to unveil the reason so that I can resolve it and then remove the goiter by operation hoping to heal it once and for all.

But if Dr. Selina's answer stands, does it mean I should just do it without questioning for as long as it helps me with my problem? Or perhaps I should look into it carefully and think: how can it be more specific when it comes to explanation? After all, I am no blind believer.


Anonymous said...

Do you think our little mind is capable of analyzing, rationalizing everything beyond? Our thought filled mind is narrow and has limited vision.
Truth is not a result of chattering mind. Truth is a result of a silent deep mind.
I paid money and went through 7 past life regression sessions. Even in hypnotic state, you have your chattering, overanalyzing mind active. But there is a voice from deep within which just speaks, sees, lives the past. Your chattering mind can react, analyze, accept or reject. But the deep voice within is the truth or so it seems. My past lives were not pretty, actually far from pretty. So much to fix, so much to learn, so much to give. So my suggestion, yes spend money, experience - go through past life regression - then may be you can decide to believe or not. I do not think you will get a proof for you to believe before you opt.
Faith, God is an experience - do you think one can explain that? Do you think one can make another understand faith, god through words? One has to experience before you judge and even try to explain something as complex as past lives and its impact in our current life.
So, yes go through - but again it all depends on how good the Doctor is - I am in no way implying that it will work for you - and that you will see all the answers to your problems.

Doris said...

Wow, thanks Jay for the sharing. I must admit they are very thought provoking.

I hope the experiences you had have given you some insights and I wish everything help in one way or the other in your ascension.

Thank you again, for sharing.