Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tough Enough to Bring Out the Best in Us

Ever experienced tough time, especially during the school days where there's a particular teacher who's a nightmare because he/she demanded so much until you probably hate him/her?

I was watching Season 5 America's So You Think You Can Dance when Cat (the host) interviewed the top 4 contestants and Brandon (one of the four) talks about Mia Michaels (one of the choreographers) and he mentioned about this word "TOUGH LOVE".

Many people thinks these people who demand so much are jerks and they are nothing but a bunch of morons who love to give people difficult life as to see people in miserable. I met quite a few people who'd given me experiences bad enough to convince me that I am really not up to a qualified par to deserve anything. It was like taking all my esteem away and still standing in my way looking at me with the face, "c'mon show me what you've got," or something like, "I am not letting you pass me that easily".

And then I realized it is either being taken positively or negatively - to become a motivation or a defeat depending on how we perceive it.

Without these challenges we are living in our comfort zone following our own preferred way and can never be competitive in the real world. It is very much like "healthily in a healthy world" - healthy only because the world is free of sickness, not because of having the immunity against threat.

Throughout the journey of growth, especially under such pressure and demand, I see what polish could do. They bear such a image - what never kill you just make you stronger.

And believe me, surviving the hard time is our instinct.

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