Assuming GOD is standing at the point of seeing beyond everyone could see, HE has no bias in anything. Thus HE does what is necessary.
So I asked, "if HE (assuming there is a GOD) is to make the best decision for the sake of big picture, I suppose HE has to have the detachment in all things huh?" Well Joie's reply was kind of eye opening. He said, "Everything is the assumption of man as GOD has never spoken about anything."
I think the idea of detachment actually seeped into mind because we are facing a situation that requires detachment - the backpack trip to China and Joie's brother's wedding.
I think it is a good lesson.
Putting myself in Joie's shoes, of course we should stay for the wedding because we can always go for travel some other time. But deep down I know, it is more than the travel otherwise it will not happen at this particular time to require our wisdom.
Simplify everything to the smallest particle, breaking all barriers to the core of it, and answering this question with only the purest heart, I somehow understand: making the wisest decision takes not only detachment but also the willingness to accept the truth that we cannot please every party.
What needs to be done needs to be done.
love the idea.... hard to practice!
hard isn't impossible right? persistence is virtue. keep it up Andrew! That's why life is a journey of learning. b^_^d
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