Thursday, March 11, 2010

Standing at the Right Spot

Where do you usually stand when it comes to taking group photograph? You know when a group of people standing together where some will usually standing in the front middle while others are more comfortable standing at the corner or down behind everyone.

The spot one chooses defines this particular person's character and it says too about who you really are.

Answer this question without second thought and find out:

When taking group photograph,
(1) I tend to stand looking in front of the camera and let others to come in from both sides and/or behind.
(2) I let others take their ideal spot and join in the corner later when everyone else is ready.
(3) I prefer standing behind everyone, far away from the spot light.
(4) I am pretty fine with anything. I am comfortable with any spot depending on different circumstances.

Which is your preference? The choice you make reflects your personality, specifically in people relation, whether you are the spontaneous or otherwise.

If your answer is:
(A) You are relatively subjective and like to be the center of attention. You would love to be the topic of talk and you are good in grabbing opportunity and making friends with people around. However being overly strong headed can be disturbing and cause yourself troubles.

(B) You are rather friendly and hardly speak up. You are a easy-going person but sometimes can be a little out of personality.

(C) You can be stubborn although you not necessarily like to stand out from others. You have your own style and you don't like to compromise, neither being influenced by others.

(D) You are wise enough to play almost every role when it is needed. Your high flexibility and assertiveness allows you to be a great candidate of fair EQ and IQ.

Do you know where you stand?

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