Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Central Control System

Assuming our brain is like a big building with countless of rooms (well still countless up until today) in it. With the fact of:

% brain of total body weight (150 pound human) = 2%
Average brain width = 140 mm
Average brain length = 167 mm
Average brain height = 93 mm

What do you see?

A student posted a question on "Ask a Scientist" (by the Dpt of Energy, USA) " what percentage of the brain does the average human use?" and he got this as the answer:

This is a very difficult question to address. Your brain is functioning at so many levels at any given time that to access exactly what parts and how much is being used is not feasible. In addition, many of the cells of the brain are for protective purposes and not related to function of the nervous system. This is why some people claim that the brain uses only a fraction of its mass when it fact the parts not being are not designed to be used. I haven't answered your question, but I do not think anyone can really.


A fairly interesting explanation. Perhaps that explains human beings are born with greater degree in having self-defense mechanism and probably that explains the nature of being selfish?

I cannot be sure of the assumptions I made based on the published statements but I think we have done digging the brain hard enough to make everything advances - technologies, innovations; and something the opposite way - environmental pollutions, at the same time. What lies beneath the discoveries and all these "physical" progresses? And what does all of the great achievements in making our everyday life more convenient and comfortable mean which contribute to the deterioration of the very original and tiny part of us that's called "heart"?

We think a lot. Our demand for more grows vigorously. We make our effort to ensure a higher chance to run the shows and feeling more and more insecure with every single things happening in life.

If one 2% of a 150lb control room can manipulate so much, imagine a group of politicians (sometimes they are more well-known with the name as "legally exist terrorist") can do (of course not forgetting some visionary entrepreneurs who know even better in running the play from the back)?


Anyway, another version of explanation says "we use 100% of our brain".

So whether we are using a small fraction of it (which means we have a big potential to change our brain usage for better, more humane and loving developments and progressions) or we have boost our 100% power and go further with helps from around us, try not to go extreme.

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