Last Friday I had a very wonderful lunch. It wasn't the food I am referring to, but the person who I had lunch with - Venerable Ji Xing.
There were a couple of things he mentioned but today I would like to talk about one thing - Talking, because something just happened moment ago reminds me about it. Reverend said, "you often heard people say "I've told you so a thousand times but you just never listen to me" right?", I smiled and nodded. This is no stranger to anyone.
He continued, "Well come to think of it, if one has repeated so many times and people still not listening perhaps it's the speaker's problem?"
Of course a conversation relies on both parties' participation to work - the speaker speaks and listener listens. So both have to make the communication work by having this bridge between two so that the meaning can be expressed and received at the same time.
If one listen to one and never listen to another, who is the one with problem then? If one refuse to listen to anyone but demand everyone to listen, who is the on with problem then?
It is very important to convey the message appropriately so that proper communication can take place.

(from right downward to left downward)
Speak slowly on urgent matter;
Speak clearly on important matter;
Speak humorously on small matter;
Speak carefully on unsure matter;
Speak nothing on matter that did not happen;
Do not simply speak on matter that cannot be done;
Do not speak on harmful matter;
Speak to the right person on unwelcome matter;
Speak at the right occasion on happy matter;
Do not speak to everyone on sad matter;
Speak wisely on others' matter;
Listen to the heart's speak on own matter;
Speak afterward on present matter;
Speak later on future matter; and
By all means, please speak to me if there is any disagreement with me.