Friday, September 17, 2010


First of all, the previous post was somehow unique: I captured the picture with my mobile phone and blog it straight away, didn't realize the setting in my phone was actually heading the writing to this English blog instead of the Chinese one. So I thought just keep it here since it means something to me - when I sat in front of the statue and contemplated about the idea of Buddhism and Taoism.

Anyway, this one is about another point of ponder. Sometimes in our lives we find ourselves lost - not knowing how to go on. It could mean our direction suddenly vanishes, especially when we take the big leap in doing changes.

We first convinced ourselves that everything will be different and alright if I change my path since the one I took did not work out. Then we walk on the new journey believing things shall set straight for as long as we believe it will. Yes, sometimes it works - when "FATE" or "LUCK" does most of the work for you. Other times, it is us the reason of change - we make it right.

When making a decision our focus changes, that's why we need to adjust accordingly and that including not only our faith and mind but also our action.

ACTION is the word. We constantly need to be in the position of seeing the motion and move accordingly. It's like the fish in the stream - you either go with the flow or against the current. And that determines the destination.

And so we have gathered the courage to take a big turn, believing that we will get over the low tide. With that belief and the whole of us changed in position and operation, we will breakthrough any dilemma.

Action = Achievement

Think about it, the true meaning of the very popular Mahatma Ghandi's quote -

Be the Change You Want to See

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