Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Gap in Between

The world moves in a very fast pace.It has always been that way. What I am talking here is the pace of our life runs. We sleep less, work more, need little but buy tonnes, play only what shows status, forgetting the joy of being simple.

Yes, life can be better. Yes, money buys most of the things that make life more enjoyable. Yes, we want to have more freedom to get whatever we want whenever we want it however we want it to be.

But can we find the simple happiness without so many considerations?

We furnish ourselves to fill the gap between what we want inside and what we portray on the surface. That is why we see and feel differently.

Thus by listening to this song and watching the MV together give different impression.

But I like it because it gives me the pleasure of seeing and understanding as well as feeling the gap in between things.


C. Williams said...

Excellent song! Wonderful message!

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buyriftaccount said...

Cool! super like this song.. great message.=0

shahanara said...

Excellent song! I like it..,

The WritingWriter said...

Great post! I think everyone of us can relate to this in our own way. Our daily lives have become a grind and I think we have to ask ourselves as individuals just what makes it so.

Inside all of us is the potential to be TRULY happy. It just take a reevaluation of our priorities.

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Dédalus said...

Very nice song.
Reggards from Spain!

פנסיה said...

I guess will all work hard so in the pension will have the time money to what we really love – meantime enjoy as much as you can listing to nice music

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Great! this is one of the my fav song ever.=D