Tuesday, September 08, 2009

My Way of Expression

Given a good timing to let myself sink in to clear away the thoughts that have been clouding me for some time. I am examining myself - in terms of expression and also my standing ground.

I had 3 months time at Lifeworks which I had a great time putting myself together to adjust myself from as many angles as possible. Then I realize quite a number of active thinking work pops up one after another wanting to see how I have worked through the days I had.

By once again involving myself in the business world is a very indescribable feeling. Very much because I can see the thinking part has comes alive and the heart found a ground which I never have realized before - a place where I find balance between demand and revise. I come to understand that heart knows by itself things sometimes need a very vivid image and firm grip, even it may seem a little difficult.

I recall the days when I had to really go into the deepest part of my heart to pour out every single feeling and thought in order to understand what and how things I have been through are becoming the best teacher in my life.

I know I am taught.

I have moved from standing on a high ground deeming to be the toughest to be taken down to putting myself here to accomplish my task by voicing only what my thoughts can contribute. I know I need to work hard on polishing my way of expression but at the same time I shall not take it as the reason/excuse for not doing my best to make the relevant points available.

It is ironic when seeing facts being wrapped in layers of avoidance. It is like acknowledging the truth but not doing anything about it.

Somehow I am still thinking: How to make positive balance with negative? Is it by discharging or infusing?

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