Sunday, September 13, 2009

To See the Divinity In Another Person

It is always easy to point finger at problem. But how often do we see solution besides seeing "what's causing pain"?

Our brain is very interestingly designed in such a way that it chooses thing so differently. For example, our focus tend to have less trouble at finding "dark" than realizing the beauty of "light" - which works exactly the opposite way our eyes do. So it results in one big problem: difficult for us to get over the bad spot and reach at the good ground.

It is true. We tend to be able to precisely naming the things we don't have rather than to cherish what we do have. And so we complain. "You are not good enough; rich enough; fun enough; smart enough; tough enough etc. "

I heard from a friend of mine about her discovery from the conversation between herself and her client of tarot card reading, an ex-drug dealer. She then realized one thing: the life that this person who used to deal with something which is commonly known as a poison to life is just like Buddha once had - the extreme situations in life. And she realized too it isn't so much about what this person had done but how he's become.

Seeing the divinity in another person doesn't mean always find a good excuse for the bad things that one has done. It is rather how we allow ourselves to accept things the way they are, but not accusation and judgment.

Sometimes we tend to have problem with people and things. Instead of putting the blame on others just for the sake of victimize ourselves we ought to understand it takes more than the issue itself only to cause thing happen. What we need to do isn't finding excuses for ourselves but try to see things with a open heart.

Because one who doesn't see the divinity in others see no divinity in anything, not even in themselves.

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