Hard time of the year throughout the world I guess. Everyone's talking about economy slowing down, retrenchment, company shut down etc. The market has it's life cycle of going through the Growth, Maturity & Decline, so to maintain the stability of the world. It is always the best time when everybody is earning more than a little for living to afford luxuries, and it breaks everyone's heart to see all the money which used to snow ball actually melted and shrink until can hardly be seen.
But come to think of it: how often do we really take a deep thought about life and paying close attention to things that matter when we are enjoying the good times harvesting more than we expected to get? If we go on and on like that, are we actually living our life or totally driven by our desires and pleasures only?
I am not anti good life.
My question is: is the awareness of really seeing good receiving a blessing reside in our heart urging us to be thankful and to maintain a good attitude towards life when we are gliding smoothly along the journey of life? Or is it the rocky path that hit us to realize: look at what you've got and start thinking how you have treated life?
People tend to prefer blaming than appreciating things. The eyes are locked on the things they don't have, rather than the bonuses they have gained. It is like getting the good things are meant to be and hiccups are bad things that come along to spoil mood and life.
Is it true that we ought not to face any problems but to enjoy only abundance of good life? Is it true that we are born here to get through all the sweetness and deny the bitters?
Oh well I bet some people might say "I am not asking for no bad times at all, but at least not so much ma!"
I have a secret to help anyone who agrees with the above statement to achieve NO BAD TIMES & ALWAYS GOOD TIMES:
There is no bad times, only bad vision.
See all time as good times and look for the goodness you can get out of the situation.
In fact, it's just the angle problem, not the situation itself.
Here's some good points of ponder, understand them and you'll see changes in yourself:
1. We suffer because we are going after the wrong things.
2. No one will give you worries if you don't give them yourself. You can't get over thing because you just can't let it go.
3. Mind your own business and manage yourself, not others.
4. Accept your life, that's vital.
5. There are sufferings everywhere, but it ends with you lift it down.
6. Every experience, especially the tough and hurt ones, is a way of growing to be more mature.
7. What is worry? They are but your projections of illusions.
8. Jealousy will neither bring any good to yourself, nor lessen the achievements of others.
9. We thought the things we do not have are precious; that is because our understanding towards it is too little. You'll realize things are not always the way you thought it looked when you have spent sufficient time on it.
10. There is no perfection in the world, only tolerance.
11. Do not pretend like you know what others' thinking. Judgmental results no correct perception.
12. Things will go away, you just have to let it go.
13. Always be thankful: for the things you have and also those that you don't.
14. A full hand can take nothing else. You will never grow if you can't let go.
15. Do not think about being crooked, cherish instead.
16. Nothing is our possession, so don't hold things back.
17. Learn to appreciate things through others' eyes and not taking own point of view as a foundation of giving.
18. The mature asks no past, the intelligent asks no present, the wise asks no future.
19. It is your choice: to gain the world with love or to lose it with hatred.
20. People tend to long for what they do not have and forgot to count what they have.