Friday, April 17, 2009

Seeing Through the Glass of Life

Sometimes we find life difficult, especially when we're asked to face more and more defeat before we manage to catch a deep breath and get ourselves ready for them.

A junior who used to be very dear had a chat with me this afternoon. I haven't seen her in person for years and I thought we could use some chat so I call her on MSN. We started with casual talk and slowly move into some issues in life. Throughout the conversation that we had I realize it is almost a must for every individual to go through the very similar life events (beside the common life cycle). What vary is the timing and the degree of it.

One thing that she really got me thinking is when she say: few years back if you tell me all these, I won't be able to understand but now I REALLY feel it.

Everyone has their own path to take and journey to walk. What matter is not to push to hard.

So I told her,
"I wouldn't say much for the time being"
"you need time to see your life"
"and believe me, things change"
"people too"
"live your life and listen to your heart"
"sometimes it pays to break through obstacles"
"and these challenges are meant for one thing and one thing only: to equip yourself to become better in time"

I was pretty surprise myself because the way I talk has become different. I would be very analytical and my words would filled with sense in the past. But now I would advice her to follow her heart instead.

Time and experience make our eyes different so that we appreciate the scenes along the way.

And one thing very funny is out of nowhere I said this line to her:

Understand the nature, learn the detail, feel the motion.

Hrm... what do you think?

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