Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The True Warrior In Each and Everyone of Us

How many of us have never failed or felt defeated? Joie found this very renown motivational speaker - Nick Vujicic. He mentioned about "falling down and getting up" and it got me stop and think for quite a while: how many of us have really embraced the spirit inside our chest in confronting our life?

We all want to have fun, and don't want trouble in things we do so that we can be happy. But the truth is we've got to earn what we want by showing our determination and dedication in things we do. We ought to face ourselves and our life head up and keep trying until we get there.

I went on to look for Nick's other speaches, where he talks about "a life without limbs to a life without limits".





Unknown said...

Never give up trying, keep up the spirit no matter what you are doing!

Doris said...
