Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Push Yourself to the Limit

I do not know since when and from where I learn about believing in the unexpected potential. It is like deep down inside there is a flame burning and giving me the heat that every time I have challenges and obstacles standing before me it will start making me feeling all heated up and ready to become fearless.

It is much more like a self-ignite mechanism that trigger by itself whenever I am faced by blockage and I will do all I can just to push that wall down. Slowly did I realize: whether to push that wall down or walk around it is a matter of choice. In tasks, I always take the pushing; while in people, I've learned to take the latter path.

But deep down inside I believe in CONQUER.

It is either one way or the other to do it but most importantly: I've made it through and got rid of it successfully by never stop trying until I am over and beyond that problem.

Everything that comes in our face is meant only for one thing: to make us better.

My spirit fights.

p/s: I have come across these very interesting readings about pushing yourself to the limit.
(1) Pushing Yourself to the Limit
(2) Pushing Your Limit

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